DW Faisalabad New Version

DW Faisalabad New Version
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Friday, 21 July 2017

To reorder, add, and delete shapes:

It's easy to add new shapes, change their order, and even delete shapes from your SmartArt graphic. You can do all of this in the text pane, and it's a lot like creating an outline with a multilevel list. For more information on multilevel lists, you may want to review our Lists lesson.

To demote a shape, select the desired bullet, then press the Tab key. The bullet will move to the right, and the shape will move down one level.

To promote a shape, select the desired bullet, then press the Backspace key (or Shift+Tab). The bullet will move to the left, and the shape will move up one level.

To add a new shape, place the insertion point after the desired bullet, then press Enter. A new bullet will appear in the text pane, and a new shape will appear in the graphic.

To remove a shape, keep pressing Backspace until the bullet is deleted. The shape will then be removed. In our example, we'll delete all of the shapes without text.
