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Saturday, 22 July 2017

Managing Lists in Powerpoint

To create effective PowerPoint presentations, it's important to make your slides easy for the audience to read. One of the most common ways of doing this is to format the text as a bulleted or numbered list. By default, when you type text into a placeholder, a bullet is placed at the beginning of each paragraph—automatically creating a bulleted list. If you want, you can modify a list by choosing a different bullet style or by switching to a numbered list.

To modify the bullet style:

Select an existing list you want to format.

On the Home tab, click the Bullets drop-down arrow.

Select the desired bullet style from the menu that appears.

The bullet style will appear in the list.

To modify a numbered list:

Select an existing list you want to format.
On the Home tab, click the Numbering drop-down arrow.

Select the desired numbering option from the menu that appears.

The numbering style will appear in the list.

To change the starting number:

By default, numbered lists count from the number 1. However, sometimes you may want to start counting from a different number, like if the list is a continuation from a previous slide.

Select an existing numbered list.

On the Home tab, click the Numbering drop-down arrow.

Select Bullets and Numbering from the menu that appears.

A dialog box will appear. In the Start At field, enter the desired starting number.

The list numbering will change.